Move Data Smarter

from any source to any destination
No-code, AI-powered, and designed to simplify data integration for everyone

Transform your data challenges into business opportunities

Prepare your data for AI

Empower your business teams to move faster with AI-ready data.

Easily feed reliable and accurate data from your internal systems—like GDrive, XLSX, or databases—into AI tools, unlocking smarter decision-making and faster insights, enabling your team to act on data quickly and efficiently.

Simplify data onboarding

Give your teams the tools to automate importing customer or supplier data into your internal systems.

Automatically import customer data—no matter the format (e.g., CSV, XLSX, or XML)—into your internal systems, reducing manual work, ensuring data accuracy, and freeing up time for your teams to focus on more strategic tasks.

Streamline data migration between systems

Leverage existing data by moving it securely and efficiently from one system to another.

Seamlessly transfer data from:

  • Your PIM to your syndication platform
  • Your syndication platform to your data pool or market place, or
  • One system to another

This ensures data availability and eliminates errors, keeping your business running smoothly.

Publish your data to all endpoints & any solutions

Deliver your data to the right place, at the right time, in the right format.

Effortlessly synchronize and/or merge your data to any endpoint:

  • A file format of your choice
  • A data warehouse
  • A business application like Salesforce, HubSpot, Shopify, etc.

Ensure real-time consistency and data accuracy, speeding up your business processes and enabling faster, more responsive actions.

How it works

Step 1

Map and transform your data
Choose your data source (e.g., XLSX, CSV, XML) and target format (e.g., JSON, CSV). Our AI handles the mapping and transformation automatically, providing real-time feedback to ensure accuracy.

Step 2

Connect your systems seamlessly
Link data sources (e.g., GDrive, SFTP, PIM) to target systems (e.g., BI tools, ecommerce platforms) in just a few clicks, automatically synchronizing your data.

Step 3

Monitor and fix data flows in real time
Track your data in real-time. Receive instant alerts for any issues, and quickly resolve errors or replay failed transfers to keep everything running smoothly.

Convert your first file

Sign up for our beta to see how effortlessly you can convert your data formats with AI.